Adapting the iconic story Back To The Future for the stage are the movie’s creators Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis. As well as original music by multi-Grammy Award winners Alan Silvestri and Glen Ballard, the show features timeless songs from the movie including The Power of Love, Johnny B Goode, and Back in Time.
Based on one of the most beloved movies of the 80’s, Back to the Future The Musical tells the story of Marty McFly; a regular teenager living in small town America. Skateboards. Rock’n’Roll. High school sweethearts. Slightly more unusual is that his best friend is eccentric scientist, Doctor Emmet Brown.
When Doc Brown invents a time machine inside a modified DeLorean, Marty’s world gets turned upside down. After accidentally changing the course of history, Marty has to to fix the present, escape the past and send himself… back to the future!
The success of the Back to the Future film series has made stars Michael J Fox, who played Marty McFly, and Christopher Lloyd, who played Doc Brown into household names. Now with their full support, the Academy Award winning movie comes to the stage at the Adelphi Theatre for the first time.
Pick Up Points:
09.00H Great Yeldham
09.07H Castle Hedingham
09.15H Sible Hedingham
09.25H Halstead
09.45H Braintree
Onwards to London – FREE TIME
14.30H Performance
17.15H Depart London
Book NOW for £50.00pp deposit with your balance due 8 weeks before departure.
All visits are subject to minimum numbers being met.
£99.00 inclusive of Stalls Seating (Face Value £99.00pp) and Executive Mini Coach travel to and from London.