Imprisoned for stealing to feed his starving family, Jean Valjean is relentlessly pursued by the tenacious Inspector Javert after skipping parole. Years pass, and Valjean, now a successful and well-respected Parisian businessman, becomes entangled in an uprising after his daughter Cosette falls in love with Marius, a member of an idealist group with revolution on their mind.
Set amid the social and political struggles of 19th century France, West End favourite Les Misérables tells the story of former prisoner Jean Valjean, who is pursued for decades by his policeman nemesis, Javert. Their epic cat-and-mouse journey will take them from the French fields to the gritty Parisian sewers, amidst an enthralling story of broken dreams, unrequited love, passion, sacrifice and redemption – a timeless testament to the survival of the human spirit.
09.30H Great Yeldham
09.37H Castle Hedingham
09.45H Sible Hedingham
09.55H Halstead
10.20H Braintree
Onwards to London – Free Time
14.30H Performance
17.15H Approx. Depart London
Book NOW for £40.00pp deposit with the balance due 8 weeks before departure.
All visits are subject to minimum numbers being met.
£89.00 inclusive of Stall Seating (Face Value £89.00pp) and Executive Mini Coach travel to and from London with free-time in London before performance.
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